Welcome to Trinity!
Make Trinity Episcopal Church your spiritual home.
Join us as we live into God’s abundant love and caring in our worship, fellowship and community service. We believe that Christ’s presence is in all persons, we nurture and support a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and we faithfully give of ourselves in response to God’s abundant gifts.
Join us in worship where ALL are welcomed at Christ’s table.
Sunday morning services are held at 9:30 a.m., and all are invited to stay for coffee hour.
Join Trinity’s Facebook page for announcements, inspiration, community and more!
Join Trinity’s service on Zoom if you would like to join via video.
Service opportunity: We regularly collect donations for the Saco Food Pantry. Place donations in the red wagon in the entry.
Support Trinity Episcopal as it supports the community by making an online donation. Donate here.
Reverend Dave Dalzell
Fr. Dave’s contact information: (207) 284-4852, or by email at: fatherdavedalzell@gmail.com
Fr. Dave is available by appointment. Please use the contact information above.
Services are held in person
Masks are welcome at our in-person services, but not required. Please refer to “Trinity Ties” for guidelines to attend the service or the link to join by Zoom is below.