Lay ministries

To serve on any of the ministries below, please contact the church office at (207) 284-4852

  1. ALTAR GUILD – The Altar Guild is a special ministry whose mission is to care for everything that relates to the Altar. It is their privilege to prepare the Altar for the services and to care for the vestments, silver, brass, linens, etc. that are used in the services.
  2. CHALICER/ACOLYTES – Chalicers assist the clergy in the administration of Holy Communion. They are licensed by the Bishop for a particular congregation for a period of three years. Two chalicers are scheduled for each service (8:00 and 10:00) and both assists the Clergy with communion.
  3. LECTORS – “Lector” is the name given to those who read the assigned Scriptures for the day. The Ministry of the Lector is to proclaim the Word of God by reading from both the Old and New Testament at church services throughout the year. He/she also reads the Prayers of the People. Lectors are scheduled to serve at both services and typically serve about once a month.
  4. CHOIR – The primary responsibility of this important ministry is to provide enrichment to the services for which they sing. The choir is a praise band that is an important part of our spiritual journey, providing leadership as well as inspiration. Trinity’s Music Ministry operates on the principle that we have been called, not to perform a concert, but to make a joyful noise to God. It is a dedicated group of people who enjoy singing, playing instruments and sharing their love of music with others. All levels of musical ability are invited.
  5. LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY – The Licensed Lay Ministry is formed of people who feel a call to a more active role in the proclamation of the Word of God and to assist in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. The Bishop has licensed several of Trinity’s parishioners, in accordance with church canons, to carry the Eucharist to shut-ins and those hospitalized in our parish.
  6. GREETERS AND USHERS  – Some larger congregations have both greeters and ushers. We are a small church, so when worshipers arrive our ushers greet them. Ushers hand out the Sunday service leaflet, help late arrivals locate seats, and provide additional seating when the Church is full.
  7. CHURCH SCHOOL – Church School meets from 10:00 to 10:45 AM each Sunday from September to June. Pre K children up to and including high school are encouraged to attend and learn to know the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Age appropriate material that is lectionary based is presented and is designed to peak one’s interest. Church School does not replace the worship service. Parents are encouraged to make Church School a family affair.
  8. EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW) – Women of the ECW celebrate their special talents and services to the church with energy, creativity, and mutual respect for each other and all other groups that contribute to the life of this parish. The purpose of the ECW is to assist the women of this diocese to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation, mission, and ministry in the community, the nation and the world. Their membership consists of women of all ages and newcomers are always welcome. The next meeting will be Monday, Sept. 9 at 7 PM in the parish hall.
  9. COFFEE HOUR – Every Sunday, parishioners are encouraged to stay for refreshments in the Parish Hall, to greet newcomers and enjoy fellowship with old friends. The weekly “Coffee Hour” is hosted each week by a different couple or family after the 8:00 and 10:00 services except for the first Sunday of the month (see FIRST SUNDAY below). The coffee host is responsible for bringing a snack and preparing for the coffee hour that follows the 10:00 service.
  10. BREAKFAST CREWS – Please join us the first Sunday of the month (Sept – May) for breakfast. Trinity is blessed to have two breakfast crews (Red / Blue Teams) of dedicated men who alternate the preparation and serving of a delicious breakfast. The food is great and it’s a perfect opportunity for 8:00 and 10:00 worshippers to fellowship.
  11. PRAYER CIRCLE – Trinity Episcopal Church’s Prayer Circle is a wonderful ministry for members looking to participate without the usual constraints. You pray for the people on the list daily ~ which can be done at any time, anywhere. All of the names are to be kept confidential, You’re notified and updated by by e-mail or phone if you don’t have computer access. Robyn Foss is the point of contact who communicates and coordinates the specific prayer needs of both parishioners and non-parishioners. . Prayer is something everyone can do regardless of health, financial or physical status. If you would like to become a member to the Prayer Chain or need prayer, please contact Robyn Foss at
  12. COUNTERS – Counters work in teams of two to count and record the Sunday offerings from both services. Offerings are listed into categories and prepare the bank deposit.
  13. BLOOD DRIVES – Since 9/11, Trinity Episcopal Church has opened its doors at every opportunity to assist the American Red Cross with their blood drives. Trinity volunteers assist the medical staff with the registration, administration and provide assistance to those who have donated life’s precious blood. Some arrive early to donate as well as assist. If you can spare an hour or two, it could help save a life.
  14. FOOD PANTRY – Every week parishioners bring food donations into church.  These donations are taken to the Saco Food Pantry on a regular basis.
  15. GOD’S GIRLS – Every Tuesday morning at 9 a group of quilters, crafters, knitters, and helpers gather at Trinity for work, conversation, coffee, and camaraderie. The sounds of laughter, and good times can be heard.Each year they make and present quilts to all graduating seniors who are members of the church. The Arthur B. Huot Veteran Housing Facility in Saco and parishioners have been presented with gifts of these lovely quilts as well.  A quilt is raffled raffled several times a year and knitted hats are brought to hospitals for newborns. God’s Girls supply and run a table at our Holly Berry and Summer fairs. They welcome new members and encourage you to bring your friends who may not attend Trinity as well. Come join the fun!